Race Talks Downtown Manhattan: What does Community Safety mean to you?

Who gets counted as a valuable member of our community? Whose safety is most prioritized? Why? Join us to discuss community and safety!

Embedded in every conversation on race and racism is an issue of safety. The impact of laws, practices, and policies on the lives and wellbeing of those in community with us is often disproportionate and can serve as a harbinger of systemic inequity. While everyone agrees that safety is a priority for every neighborhood and communal space, there is not always agreement on who needs the protection and who is deemed the threat. There's often even less agreement on how one measures safety, and how that goal is to be achieved. It's a conversation that needs to be had, and as always, we're willing to go there. Join Dr. Anica, in partnership with BPC4BLM for this incredible online event that brings together our neighbors from Downtown Manhattan. It's all happening on Saturday, September 18th at 4pm! Register today!--suggested donation of $20